Road Rail
Access Points
User Worked
Metro &
Road Crossings
TITAN System
Designed for use in mining, construction, and other heavyweight industrial environments, Rosehill Rail’s exclusive cold cure moulding process and unique polyurethane chemistry means TITAN panels have a surface deflection of rubber but the strength of steel.
Designed for heavy traffic, the CONNECT System is ideal for very long crossings or those at an acute angle to the road. Solid rubber panels can be removed and replaced without needing to dismantle other parts of the crossing.
LINK System
The Rosehill Rail horizontal LINK Crossing System accommodates movement during the wave effect of differing vehicle loads applied from one panel to another, preventing separation of the panels.
Baseplate System
Panels can also be manufactured to fit around tight curves, making them especially useful for tramway applications.
The system allows for very fast installation, is ideal for average sized crossings and is available in various grades to accommodate track access, depots, agricultural, and pedestrian applications.
Road Rail Access Points (RRAPs)
Interlocking RRAP
Individual panels are manufactured to fit the specific rail, sleeper, and fastener type to ensure the perfect fit, then locked together to prevent them becoming dislodged.
Ideal for temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent access points, the system has been designed to be quick and easy to install, reducing track possession times and delivering significant cost savings.
Baseplate System
Panels can also be manufactured to fit around tight curves, making them especially useful for tramway applications.
The system allows for very fast installation, is ideal for average sized crossings and is available in various grades to accommodate track access, depots, agricultural, and pedestrian applications.
User Worked Crossings
Interlocking RRAP
Individual panels are manufactured to fit the specific rail, sleeper, and fastener type to ensure the perfect fit, then locked together to prevent them becoming dislodged.
Ideal for temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent access points, the system has been designed to be quick and easy to install, reducing track possession times and delivering significant cost savings.
Baseplate System
Panels can also be manufactured to fit around tight curves, making them especially useful for tramway applications.
The system allows for very fast installation, is ideal for average sized crossings and is available in various grades to accommodate track access, depots, agricultural, and pedestrian applications.
Pedestrian Crossings
Panels can be cut to fit around fishplates, check rails (single and double), and turnouts, and are available in various grades to accommodate any pedestrian applications.
Metro & Tramways
Panels can be cut to fit around fishplates and check rails (single and double), making them especially useful for tramway applications.
Edge Beams
Foregoing concrete edge beams in favour of our rubber alternatives allows customers to achieve huge weight savings with a long-lasting product which won’t crack or spall.
Anti-Trespass Panels
Rosehill Rail’s Anti-Trespass Panels are a proven visual and physical deterrent to people attempting to access rail tracks or other prohibited areas, with pre and post implementation studies showing them to reduce the number of unauthorised people trackside by up to 78%.
Walkway Panels